Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jihad Dunia

The reason of abstinence, stress, and whatever emotions that comes with it

30th April, Saturday
9.30 am-12.30 pm
Financial Reporting

4th May, Wednesday
2 pm - 5 pm
Management Accounting

7th May, Saturday
2 pm - 5 pm

11th May, Wednesday
9.30 am - 12.30 pm

14th May, Saturday
9.30 am - 12.30 pm

3rd June Departs from Dublin insyaAllah

This is my first exam for the semester, thus feeling scareddd. Hoping not to see those papers anymore except for the ACCA level.
Aja aja fighting to my comrades who are already acting like rabbits in their holes. Huhu.

Salam exam
p/s: yellow might be scramble eggs:p

1 comment:

Sugar2Spice said...

biasnya kat sini je boleh komen...haha

nasib baik bukan salam bahulu gulung inti jem nenas :p

TQ utk entri di atas ni...bwk balik keputusan cemerlang dan hadiah best2 dari Ireland ye =)

miss you darling,xoxo